Beautiful Destinations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Beautiful Destinations
Beautiful Destinations
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is a destination brimming with lush landscapes, renowned beaches, and people who never fail to find a rea ...
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is a destination brimming with lush landscapes, renowned beaches, and people who never fail to find a reason for celebration. With a pulse so alive it's nearly tangible, the pervasive sounds of samba flowing through the air, and a party that seemingly never stops, it's not hard to see why this vibrant locale is often referred to as the "Cidade Maravilhosa" — the "Marvelous City."

Join Beautiful Destinations’ own Matias De Rada, Tom Jauncey, and Cory S. Martin as they share their experience of the rich culture of Rio — a destination famed for its beauty, its diverse landscapes, and its always-on celebration of life.  

The Beautiful Destinations Team

Matias De Rada | Instagram: matiasderada
Tom Jauncey | Instagram: tomjauncey
Cory S. Martin | Instagram: cory.s.martin

Special Thanks To

Pedro Gonçalves | Instagram: Pedrofgonc
Vertical Rio Helicopter | Instagram:
Pedro Leal | Instagram: pppleal
Danilo Paes | Instagram: paesdan

The Music

Barbatuques | Baiana (CloZee Remix)


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