How do the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work? #shorts

10,330 بازدید
American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society
They both contain this thing called messenger RNA, which is basically a recipe that tells your cells how to make a protein, in t ...
They both contain this thing called messenger RNA, which is basically a recipe that tells your cells how to make a protein, in this case a protein on the surface of the coronavirus known as The Spike Protein, which helps the virus hook into your cells and get inside them.

Now that spike protein by itself won’t give you COVID, but your immune system will think it’s the real thing, attack it AND then remember what it looks like.

Now that is key, because if you do ever breathe in the ACTUAL coronavirus, your immune system will recognize that spike and destroy the virus before it can do too much damage.

Also, just like with many vaccines, you’ll need two doses, so please watch this video again in about 4 weeks. #shorts

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