Ziafate Ramazan: with Amanullah Ahmadi - EP28 / ضیافت رمضان: با استاد امان الله احمدی - قسمت ۲۸

Ariana Television
Ariana Television
چو ایستاده ای دست افتاده گیر!طریقۀ ارسال کمک به نیازمندان در برنامۀ ضیافت رمضان: هموطنان عزیز شما می توانید کمک های نقدی خود ...
چو ایستاده ای دست افتاده گیر!
طریقۀ ارسال کمک به نیازمندان در برنامۀ ضیافت رمضان: هموطنان عزیز شما می توانید کمک های نقدی خود را از طریق ویب سایت بنیاد بیات به آدرس ذیل ارسال نمایید تا ما به دست فامیل های نیازمند برسانیم  
در صورت هر گونه مشکل و یا سوالی می توانید با بنیاد خیریۀ بیات از طریق ایمیل آدرس ذیل به تماس شوید:
[email protected]
How to make donation:
To donate to the Afghan families in-need in Holy Month of Ramadan, please visit the link below and donate as much as you can afford. https://bayatfoundation.org/ramadan
For any queries or problems, please feel free to contact Bayat Foundation at:  [email protected]

برای تماشای برنامه های جالب و دیدنی به ما در چینل های رسمی ما بپیوندید:

For more information regarding our upcoming shows and watching our exciting and entertaining programs, please follow us on our official channels mentioned below:

YouTube: arianatelevisionnetworkatn
Facebook: Facebook: ArianaTelevisionNetwork
Instagram: Instagram: ArianaTelevision
Twitter: Twitter: ArianaTVN
TikTok: TikTok: arianatelevisionnetwork
Website: https://www.arianatelevision.com

Ariana Television Network (ATN) is a private television and radio network based in Kabul, Afghanistan. ATN was launched in 2005 and is the largest media network in Afghanistan. ATN’s focus is on information, content and entertainment that rekindles Afghanistan’s traditions and culture. ATN prides itself on providing easily accessible educational, Islamic, health, sports and children's programming to all citizens of Afghanistan. We take great pride in broadcasting accurate, unbiased news to the audience in real time. ATN is not associated with any political party or person and has no links with de-stabilizing elements within Afghanistan.
ATN’s goal since launch has been one of inclusion and education, providing a “Window for a Better Tomorrow” while exposing our radio and television audiences to the best of international arts & culture from around the world, we also expand opportunities for local writers, producers, actors, and directors within Afghan communities. Ariana Television provides first-rate broadcast services throughout Afghanistan, covering all 34 provinces and reaching over 35 million Afghans each day. ATN subscribers enjoy live programs through ATN’s robust free-to-air terrestrial network and satellite distribution.

#ArianaTelevision #ATN #BMC #Ariana #ArianaTelevisionNetwork #ZiafateRamazan #Ramadan #Ramadan1401 #BayatFoundation #Charity #Donation #Donate #CharityFoundation #Bayat #SabadeRamazani #FamilyInNeed #PoorFamily #Poor #Ramadan #Ramazan #رمضان #رمضان۱۴۰۱

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