origami crane | how to make a paper crane easy

mary origami
mary origami
you can learn how to make an origami crane with this easy to follow step-by-step tutorial. The origami crane is one of the most ...
you can learn how to make an origami crane with this easy to follow step-by-step tutorial. The origami crane is one of the most popular and recognized paper construction ever. When origami is brought up in a conversation, you can't help but think of the origami crane. It's popularity is definitely waranted because it is a beautiful piece of art.

The Japanese name for this model is “Orizuru” which simply means Folded crane.

An ancient Japanese legend promises that if anyone folds a thousand paper cranes they will be granted a wish by the gods. In same cases you are granted happiness or good luck. In Japan the crane is said to live for 1,000 years which is why one must fold 1,000 of them. You have to keep all the cranes to get the wish though. If you fold one and give it away that one doesn’t count.

Making an origami crane is actually not too difficult. This well-known origami model is easy to intermediate level. All you need is a single square sheet of paper. Are you ready to fold? Then lets get started!

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origami crane | how to make a paper crane
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