From this house to that house: in search of another house

Ngar 55
Ngar 55
18.2 هزار بار بازدید - ماه قبل - In her YouTube video, Fatemeh
In her YouTube video, Fatemeh talks about her dissatisfaction with living in this house. He believes that this house does not have proper facilities and contrary to this, the rent is very high. For this reason, Fatemeh decides to talk to Saadi about this and suggest that she communicate with her mother and reduce the house rent by 3 million tomans.

Saadi and Fatemeh decide to go to Saadi's mother's house and talk to her about this issue. They go to Saadi's mother's house and present their request, but Saadi's mother rejects their request and declares that they will not receive a discount on the house rent. He tells Fatemeh and Saadi that if they want to stay in this house, they must accept the conditions and if not, they can leave the house. Also, Saadi's mother refuses to discount the house rent.

With great insistence from Saadi and Fatemeh, Saadi's mother still refuses to reduce the rent. In Fatima and Saadi's proposal to build a bathroom and a kitchen, Saadi's mother declares that she does not have enough money for this work, and Saadi should spend whatever money she has for herself.

Finally, Saadi and Fatima say goodbye and leave Saadi's mother's house. They decide to look for a new home because the current rent is too high for them. However, Sadie returns to Fatimah's house in despair and informs her that she has not found a home yet. However, he doesn't give up and decides to move on and look for a new home. Fatemeh and Saadi also decide to stay in this place if no house can be found and to pay for the house rent by working.

Saadi tells Fatima that they should both work together and besides paying the house rent, they should get married. This plan seems attractive to Saadi and he asks Fatima to collect firewood. He also cleans the weeds from the garden of Fatimah's house. Fatemeh thanks Saadi for his help and thanks for his dedication and effort.

In this way, Fatemeh and Saadi decide to try to find a suitable house and start a better life with cooperation and empathy. However, this story goes so far and the final result and their success in finding a new home and how their relationship will be in the future is not clear.
ماه قبل در تاریخ 1403/03/03 منتشر شده است.
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