Proto-Indo-European spoken: Schleicher's fable (reconstruction)

Aprendizer com Ygor C.S.
Aprendizer com Ygor C.S.
A few years ago, no audio recording of texts in the partially reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language could be heard on the w ...
A few years ago, no audio recording of texts in the partially reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language could be heard on the web. Now there are several such videos and audios. However, apart from some disagreements on the specific sound of PIE, I also thought most of them sounded either too clumsy and suspiciously too intricate, or too artificial and stiff. I wanted to hear something more flowing and natural, more "Indo-European-like". So, I decided to take my turn and have a try. This is my humble and admittedly amateur contribution. For the laryngeals I followed the usual asumption that sounds just right for me: h1 - [h]; h2 - [x]; h3 - [ghw]. For syllabic consonants in certain positions, and for very complex consonant clusters, I assumed a schwa-like epenthetic vowel, as many authors also do.

By the way, this is my "orthography for normal people" proposal for Proto-Indo-European:


Xawey hyosmey xulənáx ne hest,
So hecwoms derct.
So gwrxum wojhom wejhed; so mejəm bhorom.
So dhəghémonəm xoocu bhered.
Xowis hequoybhyos weuked:
“Dhəghémonəm specyox hecwomsque xajeti,
Ceer moy aghnutor
Hecwos tu weukond:
“Cludhí, xowey!
Tod spécyomes, nsmey aghnutor ceer:
Dhəghémoo, potis, see xawyes xulənáx
Ghwermom westrom wept,
Xáwibhyos tu xulənáx ne hesti.
Tod cecluwóos xowis xajróm bhuged.


[On a hill,] a sheep that had no wool saw horses,
one of them pulling a heavy wagon,
one carrying a big load,
and one carrying a man quickly.
The sheep said to the horses:
"My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses."
The horses said:
"Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this:
a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep
into a warm garment for himself.
And the sheep has no wool."
Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.

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