نزدیک ترین ساحل به میدان تکسیم استانبول - ساحل فلوریا استانبول ترکیه

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travel to turkey
4.5 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - The closest beach to Taksim
The closest beach to Taksim Square, Istanbul - Florya Beach, Istanbul, Turkey
Where is the closest beach to Taksim Square in Istanbul?
How to get to the nearest beach from Taksim Square?
What is the access to Florya Beach in Istanbul?
These are the questions that many of you asked
Especially since it is summer season, most of those who traveled to Istanbul like to swim or sunbathe in Istanbul.
Florya is a stylish and clean beach behind the old Atatürk Airport and near Florya Aquarium, which is located on the shore of the Sea of Marmara.

There is no place to throw a needle in this beach in summers. Because everyone comes here to sunbathe and swim.

Therefore, it is better to choose mid-week days for beach fun.

Florya beach has other facilities
Beds and parasols, sideboards, utility rooms, bathroom showers and rooms for accommodation.

Swimming is free within the designated area.

The beach authorities are also careful so that no one goes out of bounds.

The water depth in the safe area is less than 2 meters.

With the presence of a relatively large number of lifeboats stationed in different parts of this beach, our thoughts are easy in every way.
One important note
One thing we should pay attention to is that wearing a swimsuit is mandatory for men and women.

Matching clothing (especially for men) is discouraged when entering the water.

In addition, women who wear hijab can use swimsuits for veiled people, which are sold all over the city.

How to go to Florya Beach?
If you want to go from Taksim Square to Florya Beach, you need to take Yenikapi metro line and get off at the last station (Yenikapi).

Then find Marmaray metro station at the same station and ride the Marmaray metro towards Halkali station and get off at Aquarium Florya station (8 stops).

The duration of your journey from Taksim Square to Florya will be between 30 and 40 minutes.

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2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/05/03 منتشر شده است.
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