TIFF Trailers
TIFF Trailers
88 minutesMel (Marc Maron) is a cantankerous pawnshop owner in Alabama who spends most of his time swindling customers while ...
88 minutes
Mel (Marc Maron) is a cantankerous pawnshop owner in Alabama who spends most of his time swindling customers while trying and failing to get his employee Nathaniel (Jon Bass) to do any work. One day, Cynthia (Jillian Bell) and her wife, Mary (Michaela Watkins), try to sell them a Civil War–era sword Cynthia inherited from her recently deceased grandfather — who claims the relic proves the South actually won the war. It isn’t long before the coveted “prover item” draws the attention of a network of fanatical neo-Confederates, and the two duos join forces to try to sell it to the highest bidder.

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