Tower of Silence . Yazd . Iran

Mircea Costiniuc
Mircea Costiniuc
The Zoroastrian believers (Ahura Mazda's mitrach cult) carried their dead to the towers where they were exposed to the sun and t ...
The Zoroastrian believers (Ahura Mazda's mitrach cult) carried their dead to the towers where they were exposed to the sun and the eagles until only the bones remained. They were stored in crypt at the foot of the heights. The Zoroastrians remained an obsessed caste to find the virtues of fire (which burned unceasingly on the altars of the temples). Their monotheistic dogma sustained the dualism of good and evil. He had three guiding principles: good thoughts, good words, good deeds.
Zoroastrism (mazdeism) was founded at the beginning of the second millennium BC, by the prophet Zoroastru. There are in Iran, Azerbaijan. Their holy book is Avesta
Personal filming. Sony AX53
Credinciosii zoroastru (cultul mitraic al lui  Ahura Mazda ) isi duceau mortii la inaltime ( in turnuri ) unde erau expusi soarelui si vulturilor pana ramaneau doar oasele .    Acestea erau depozitate in cripte de la poalele inaltimii  . Zoroastienii  au ramas o casta inchistata find fidela virtutilor focului ( care a ars neintrerupt pe altarele templelor) .  Dogma lor monoteista sustinea dualismul binelui si raului  .  Avea 3 principii calauzitoare : ganduri bune, cuvinte bune , fapte bune .
Zoroastrismul ( mazdeism ) a fost fondat la  inceputul mileniului 2  inainte de Hristos,  de profetul  Zoroastru .  Exista in Iran, Azerbaidjan . Cartea lor sfanta este Avesta
Filmari personale

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