BEST Auditions from America's Got Talent 2024 So Far!

Got Talent Global
Got Talent Global
12.1 میلیون بار بازدید - 4 ماه پیش - Watch The BEST Auditions from
Watch The BEST Auditions from America's Got Talent 2024 So Far! Featuring:

Chrisyius Whitehead - 0:00
Arshiya Sharma - 4:16
Richard Goodall - 13:07
Baby Dev - 22:32
Liv Warfield - 27:40
Legión - 34:50
Learnmore Jonasi - 42:40
Dee Dee Simon - 52:43
Sky Elements - 59:29
The Reklaws - 1:07:30
Roni & Rhythm - 1:14:45
Solange Kardinaly - 1:18:29
Sabrina - 1:22:22
Reyna Roberts - 1:26:53
Tonikaku - 1:32:46

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4 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/03 منتشر شده است.
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