SEO Career Mastery: Gabrio Linari

SEO For Hire
SEO For Hire
Join us on SEO Career Mastery's third episode, with guest speaker, Gabrio Linari 🚀Gabrio is one of our recent successfu ...
Join us on SEO Career Mastery's third episode, with guest speaker, Gabrio Linari 🚀

Gabrio is one of our recent successful candidates, landing a role from one of our impressive US clients for a big salary 💰 As the Director of SEO at Codeless, Gabrio has expanded himself impressively as an SEO by also offering ad-hoc executive SEO consultancies, as well as mentoring for junior SEOs. Gabrio is also the owner and Director of Rock SEO, where he mentors junior SEOs entering the market.

You can find Gabrio through:
LinkedIn: LinkedIn: gabriolinari

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Josh Peacock: LinkedIn: josh-peacock-589438220
Daris Benallal: LinkedIn: darisbenallal-seoforhire
Shreya La Cock: LinkedIn: shreya-la-cock-579678263

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If you've found this podcast insightful, you'll love our latest 90-module course on SEO Leadership 📈
Head over to 👉 to read more about it! 🚀

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