5 Watercolor Painting Techniques (For Beginners and Pros)

From paint layering to playing with brush sizes, we’ve collected our favorite watercolor painting techniques and tips from Skill ...
From paint layering to playing with brush sizes, we’ve collected our favorite watercolor painting techniques and tips from Skillshare teachers.

Find these artists on Skillshare to browse their watercolor classes and more:
- Cat Coquillette: https://skl.sh/2Vl0tAV
- Dylan Mierzwinski: https://skl.sh/2VirjcX
- Ana Victoria Calderón: https://skl.sh/34VCI5H
- Katie Rodgers: https://skl.sh/2KeDO2K
- Rosalie Haizlett: https://skl.sh/2yri8O1

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