#53 How to write an R package - a tutorial

Berlin R Users Group
Berlin R Users Group
DescriptionOnce you've written a few reusable functions, you want to organize and document them. Luckily, R has just ...
Once you've written a few reusable functions, you want to organize and document them. Luckily, R has just the right infrastructure: packages. In this tutorial, we'll create one from scratch to see how incredibly easy it is to (accidentally) morph from R user into developer.
Before the tutorial (i.e. with individual internet access and troubleshoot time just in case), please run:
pacman::p_load(devtools, roxygen2, berryFunctions, praise)
Berry has been teaching R courses in various formats since 2012. He is a freelance R trainer and consultant and works part-time as a lecturer at HPI (Hasso Plattner Institute) in Potsdam. His passion for programming was sparked in his studies of geoecology and the analysis of environmental data is still close to his heart.
He's currently renovating his home, so has little time to live up to being a BRUG co-organizer and is very thankful to the rest of the team for keeping the community alive :).

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