7 Effective Herbs and Spices for A Healthy Digestive System

Natural Health Guys
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7 Effective Herbs and Spices for A Healthy Digestive System.
Herbs and Spices for Gut Health - Your body’s immune cells exist in the gut’s digestive tract. Do you look after your gut and digestive health system?
This video, ‘7 Effective Herbs and Spices for A Healthy Digestive System’, shares the benefits of each herb and spice for your gut health.

70% of your body’s immune cells exist in the digestive tract of the gut.

Therefore, it makes sense to keep the digestive system healthy so that your body can perform its critical immune functions effectively.

In this latest video of  the ‘Secrets of Digestive Health’ series, you’ll discover numerous features and benefits of each herb and spice for your gut health.

One of the best things you can do is eat healthy foods, which can include a variety of different herbs and spices.

And there are many herbs and spices that are excellent for improving your gut health,  including the following 7 effective herbs and spices for a healthy digestive system:

#1. Licorice Root:

(1) An adaptogenic herb which works in balancing the cortisol levels and improving stomach acid production.

(2) Regulates cortisol levels..... helpful for those people suffering from leaky gut symptoms, which can be triggered and exacerbated by stress.

(3) Helps maintain the mucosal lining in the stomach and duodenum.

(4) Contains glycyrrhizic acid, which helps the healing of gastric ulcers.

(5) Recommended for easing the side effects of laxatives.

#2. Ginger:

(1) The healing properties..... well-known for treating several digestive problems.

(2) Has anti-inflammatory properties.

(3) Acne, eczema, psoriasis and any other skin problems can be a strong indication that you may have inflammation in your digestive tract.

(4) Its fiber content functions as a prebiotic that encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.

#3. Milk Thistle:

(1) Flatulence, constipation, bloating, stomach cramps and indigestion..... can be relieved using milk thistle.

(2) Helps improve bile circulation, repairing damaged cells and reducing liver inflammation.

(3) It has demulcent properties that moisturize and soften mucous membranes.

#4. Peppermint:

(1) Some people swear by peppermint for digestive problems, whilst some health advocates do not recommend it.

(2) Possesses antispasmodic and relaxant properties..... to help relieve gastrointestinal cramps and spasms.

(3) It has volatile oils that stimulate the gallbladder..... to release bile, giving relief from flatulence and bloating.

(4) Found to improve the flow of bile to the liver.

(5) A moderate intake of peppermint tea also helps detoxify the liver.

(6) It's not recommend you take peppermint if your problems are in the upper reaches of the digestive tract, such as with heartburn.

(7) However, there are many over-the-counter products designed to relieve heartburn that have peppermint!

#5. Cardamom:

(1) Helps to ease heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, and intestinal spasming.

(2) Its strong aroma activates the taste and other sensory elements.

(3) Improves the efficiency of enzyme secretion, further improving digestion.

(4) Helpful if you consume it after having a heavy meal!

#6. Coriander Seed:

(1) They possess aromatic flavors and smells, brought about by its essential volatile oils and fatty acids.

(2) They have important fatty acids such as linoleic, petroselinic, palmitic and oleic acids.

(3) These essential oils provide anti-flatulent and carminative effects.

(4) Coriander is also a good source of dietary fiber.

(5) The fiber composition..... works together with flavonoid antioxidants to prevent the development of cancer in the colon mucosa.

#7. Cumin Seed:

(1) Contains a compound called thymol..... helpful in stimulating the glands for improved production of bile, acids and other enzymes.

(2) They are high in fiber content..... beneficial for those suffering with hemorrhoids.

(3) They..... help combat the symptoms of flatulence.


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7 Effective Herbs and Spices for A Healthy Digestive System

7 Effective Herbs and Spices for A He...

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