Big Picture for Gaming Mode | Steam Deck Plugin

Plugin for the Steam Deck homebrew plugin manager that allows you to switch into and out of Big Picture via the quick access men ...
Plugin for the Steam Deck homebrew plugin manager that allows you to switch into and out of Big Picture via the quick access menu.


Surprisingly, Steam's well-known BigPicture mode is out of the box compatible with the Steam Decks gaming mode. It even combines the best of both worlds:

- All SD controls work as expected within BP mode
- The Steam button opens the BP mode's game overlay
- The quick access button still opens the new Quick Settings side menu (Only when a game is running)
- Virtual keyboard as well as all the other Steam-button shortcuts are working as well
- Sleep mode still works fine

How to install
For the plugin to work you need to install a third party plugin manager: After you have installed that, visit using chrome in gaming mode, look for my plugin and click install.

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