Iraq Iran amazing article

In this context, the report addressed the positions of the leader of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri, the Hezbollah Brigade ...
In this context, the report addressed the positions of the leader of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri, the Hezbollah Brigades, and the Nujaba Movement. It also recalled the position of al-Sudani himself, whom the report said was seeking to protect support for his basic pro-Iranian base, by criticizing the raids, saying, “Iraqi soil is not the appropriate place.” For competing forces to send messages.
The report considered that the recent American retaliatory attacks led to strengthening the efforts of Tehran and its Iraqi allies to force the United States to withdraw from Iraq, recalling that Iran’s allies are seeking to expand Tehran’s influence and limit American influence, including the voting processes in the Iraqi parliament that demand... With the departure of American forces, especially since the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Guard, Qassem Soleimani, and the “founder of the Hezbollah Brigades,” the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, in the year 2020.
However, the pro-Iranian groups in Iraq, which are also active across the border in Syria, were only temporarily deterred, and they carried out more than 80 attacks on American forces in Iraq and Syria, from early 2021 until the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. October 2023, according to the American report.
The agreement does not include withdrawal
While the Soufan Institute pointed out the official talks that began between American and Iraqi officials, within the framework of the Supreme Military Committee, about the international coalition’s mission, it said, “This means that the United States will agree to significantly reduce its presence in Iraq, but the
Although the talks resumed between the two parties on February 11 to set a timetable for the gradual reduction and final conclusion of the US-led mission, the report found that, in light of the regional war waged by Iran and its allies, American officials consider that the continuation of the military mission in Iraq is... Critical to preventing the return of ISIS and curbing Iranian influence, or at least containing it.
The American report noted that American military leaders do not want to be seen as withdrawing their forces in the face of the Iranian challenge, and that Tehran will continue to pressure Baghdad to limit any permanent American presence as much as possible. In addition, Al-Sudani’s critical statements did not call for... Immediate end to the US military presence.
Iran's influence
The report stated, “Al-Sudani and other senior Shiite leaders, including Muqtada al-Sadr, do not want to open Iraq to Iranian influence by expelling American forces, while moderate Iraqis from all major sects, including the Shiite majority, see that an alliance with Iran “It isolates Iraq from the Arab world, obstructs Iraq’s transition to democracy, facilitates Tehran’s ability to benefit economically from Iraq, and enhances the ability of Iranian leaders to use Iraq as an arena to challenge American influence throughout the Middle East.”
The American report considered that the internal conflict in Iraq reflects competing visions about Iraq’s future alliances, and therefore the differences over the American military mission in Iraq will continue for a long time after the end of the Gaza war, explaining that “the end of the war in Gaza will not push the factions allied with Iran to... Stop attacking US forces or addressing the US-Iranian conflict in order to exercise significant influence in Iraq.
The power of the dollar
Despite Baghdad's criticism of US military operations against Iran-backed factions, the Sudanese government continued to cooperate with Washington's efforts to contain Tehran's influence, according to the American Institute's report.
In this context, the report stated that on February 4, the government prevented 8 local banks from participating in transactions in US dollars, days after the visit of a senior official in the US Treasury Department who urged Iraq to make more efforts to protect the Iraqi and financial systems from... Criminal, corrupt and terrorist entities.
He found that "the United States has the leverage to force Iraq's financial authorities to cooperate, largely because there is more than $100 billion in Iraqi reserve funds in US Federal Reserve accounts."
The report stated, "American officials have the ability to prevent Iraq from accessing its funds if Iraqi banks decide to help Iran and the active forces supported by Tehran in obtaining the US dollar."
The report concluded by saying, “Financial cooperation on the part of Iraq reflects Baghdad’s basic principle, which is that despite public and pro-Iranian sentiment in the context of growing unrest inside Iraq, the country’s long-term future may lie with the United States, the West in general, and the Arab countries that are considered security partners in a major way.” Close with the United States.
Translated by: Shafaq News Agency

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