Guided Meditation: Pathway to Inner Peace, with Tara Brach

Tara Brach
Tara Brach
Guided Meditation: Pathway to Inner Peace, with Tara Brach [2020-09-30]“Peace is this moment without judgement,” writes ...
Guided Meditation: Pathway to Inner Peace, with Tara Brach [2020-09-30]

“Peace is this moment without judgement,” writes poet Dorothy Hunt, “this moment in the heart-space where everything that is, is welcome.” This meditation is a guide to opening to the truth of what’s here, and meeting it with a gentle, allowing presence. As we do, we can touch the inner peace of non-judging awareness, and source our actions in that balance and wisdom.

Full talk:

Photography: Re Guillemin


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With thanks and love, Tara

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