UPDATE im Text: 15.000 Volt - 13-Jähriger klettert auf Waggon in Schwerte: Stromschlag, Lebensgefahr

Frank Bauermann | NRWspot
Frank Bauermann | NRWspot
2.2 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - UPDATE - Sad news: The
UPDATE - Sad news: The boy, who apparently climbed onto a parked wagon at the Schwerter Güterbahnhof for photos on Monday evening, died Wednesday morning of his serious injuries. He suffered a 15,000 volt electric shock and was taken to a special clinic with serious injuries.

First report:
Rescue helicopter Christoph 8 in action - child (13) critically injured - climbed onto train for photo - 15KV due to voltage arc - large-scale operation for police and fire brigade

Federal police investigate after tragic accident in Schwerte - child seriously injured


Yesterday evening (April 17) there was an accident at the Schwerte freight station. A 13-year-old suffered serious injuries.

At around 8:50 p.m., employees of a freight forwarding company alerted the police and fire brigade about a tragic accident involving an injured child. According to previous investigations, the boy climbed onto a freight train. There was probably an electric shock on the wagon. An arc was formed. Witnesses who became aware of this provided first aid. The 13-year-old suffered serious injuries and was taken to a special clinic. The condition of the boy is still very critical (as of 8:30 a.m.).

According to previous knowledge, the two Germans had visited the freight yard to take photos there.

His 15-year-old companion and the German's legal guardians were taken to a hospital in an ambulance. The first responders on site were also given psychological care by the fire brigade.

The section of the route was closed to passenger and freight traffic for about an hour. Numerous forces from the Unna fire brigade, the Unna police and the Federal Police were deployed. A rescue helicopter had been requested to assist.

Text: Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin/Federal Police Inspectorate Dortmund/Press Office - https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht...

پارسال در تاریخ 1402/01/29 منتشر شده است.
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