PECCC Round 8 - Circuit Gilles Villeneuve - Porsche Centre Victoria - Rich Hibbs

Porsche ESports Carrera Cup Canada with iRaceControl co-founder Rich Hibbs.  Join Rich as he races against Canada's top ESp ...
Porsche ESports Carrera Cup Canada with iRaceControl co-founder Rich Hibbs.  Join Rich as he races against Canada's top ESports racers in the ultra competitive PECCC series.  iRaceControl is iRacing third party app that allows any iracing user to gather helpfull session information such as laptimes, sector times, pit times, black flags and warnings.  For iRacing session admins it allows them to view every incident point generated in the session, quickly review the incident and make a race control decision on that incident.  iRaceControl also allows for quick and easy setup and control of stage cautions.  With the Auto Steward let iRaceControl create realistic conditions for full course cautions to be called.  From Random yellows to incident point tracking allow iRaceControl to be your #1 Race Control software.

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