Antifungal drugs/Azoles/mechanism of action

It's all about lippin
It's all about lippin
Azoles block the synthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the fungal cell membrane. They can be given orally to treat ...
Azoles block the synthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the fungal cell membrane. They can be given orally to treat chronic mycoses. The first such oral medication, ketoconazole, has been supplanted by more effective, less toxic triazole derivatives, such as fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, and isavuconazonium.

Drug interactions can occur with all azoles but are less likely with fluconazole.
Flucytosine, a nucleic acid analog, is water soluble and well-absorbed after oral administration. Preexisting or emerging resistance is common, so it is almost always used with another antifungal, usually amphotericin B. Flucytosine plus amphotericin B is used primarily to treat cryptococcosis but is also valuable for some cases of disseminated candidiasis (including endocarditis). Flucytosine plus antifungal azoles may be beneficial in treating cryptococcal meningitis and some other mycoses.‪@pharmacology_Biochemistry-‬

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