How to Water a Basil Plant : The Chef's Garden

96.4 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - Subscribe Now:
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Watering a basil plant requires you to use lukewarm water for the best results. Water a basil plant with help from a classically-trained chef with experience in both world-class restaurants and private dining companies in this free video clip.

Expert: Teca Thompson
Filmmaker: Rudi Rose

Series Description: Herb gardening is actually really easy once you get the hang of it. Get tips on growing a wide variety of different herbs in and around your yard with help from a classically-trained chef with experience in both world-class restaurants and private dining companies in this free video series.
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/07/12 منتشر شده است.
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