Soldier Rates Unappetising Military Food

Caters Clips
Caters Clips
ID: 3401713ONSCREEN CREDIT - @joejoe7711While catching a break and chowing down on his snacks and meals, soldier ...
ID: 3401713

ONSCREEN CREDIT - @joejoe7711

While catching a break and chowing down on his snacks and meals, soldier Joe Anthony Guerrero, 19, decided to share the types of ready meal food bags he receives.

Opening up the MREs, Meal Ready-to-Eat, Joe demonstrated how some of the meals have to be prepared, as well as the variety of food he receives while training or going out on missions.

From electrolytes to stale bags of M&M's, Joe's food doesn't always look too appetising, but from time to time the soldier can be pleasantly surprised by what he finds in his goody bags.

Joe said: "They don’t always taste great but they keep you going and sometimes that’s all you need.

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