You're Eating The WRONG Breads - 5 Healthiest Types Of Bread TO EAT!

Bestie Health
Bestie Health
In today’s diet-focused world, bread gets a bad reputation. In a lot of popular meal plans focused on health and weight loss, ca ...
In today’s diet-focused world, bread gets a bad reputation. In a lot of popular meal plans focused on health and weight loss, carbohydrate-heavy foods such as bread are usually the first thing to go. But not all types of bread are created equal: while processed white bread isn’t exactly a superfood, there are other types of bread that could potentially provide a little more in terms of nutritional value.

So which types of bread should you keep an eye out for on your next trip to the grocery store? Today, Bestie is going to take a closer look at some of the healthier varieties of bread you can choose from.

#Bread #HealthyFood #HealthyBread

Intro - 0:00
Whole Wheat Bread - 01:00
Sprouted Grain - 02:48
Sourdough - 04:08
Oat Bread - 05:03
Flax Bread - 06:19


1. Whole Wheat Bread
When it comes to bread, the two types that most shoppers are likely to be familiar with are white and whole wheat bread. Of these two, bread that is 100 percent whole wheat is considerably healthier. Unlike processed white bread, whole grain bread keeps the entire grain intact during the manufacturing process, leaving in various bits such as the germ, endosperm and bran. By leaving in these parts of the grain, whole wheat bread contains a much higher value of nutritional content than if it were to be removed; in addition to having a higher concentration of fiber, the bran and germ of the grain are also a beneficial source of other nutrients such as protein and fat, along with various other vitamins and minerals. By contrast, the refined grains used in white bread do away with many of these important nutrients by removing the bran and germ during the bread’s creation. In addition to these added nutritional benefits, whole wheat bread may also help protect your body against certain types of health complications such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain varieties of cancer. However, you shouldn’t just settle for the first loaf of bread you see on the store shelf with “whole wheat” on the label: many manufacturers are inclined to simply slap the words “whole wheat” on the label in order to make their product appear healthier, regardless of whether or not the bread itself was actually made without refined flour.

2. Sprouted Grain  
Like whole wheat bread, sprouted bread is made with whole grains as a key ingredient as opposed to refined grains or flour. The key difference is that, as the name implies, sprouted grain bread is made from whole grains that have begun to germinate, by which we mean the grains have begun sprouting.

3. Sourdough
Sourdough is a type of bread made through a special process that involves the fermentation of naturally occurring yeast and bacteria that allows the bread to rise. This process of fermentation is also noteworthy in that it plays a significant role in reducing the phytate content of the bread by as much of 50 percent, compared to other types of bread that are created through more conventional techniques.

4. Oat Bread
As evidenced by the name, oat bread is, surprise surprise, bread made using oats as a primary ingredient. In addition to oats, oat bread is also made with natural ingredients such as whole wheat flour, yeast, and water, which, if you’ve been following this list so far, is a good sign in terms of potential health benefits. In addition to using whole wheat instead of refined or processed flour, the oats found in oat bread are associated with a number of additional health benefits, including magnesium, vitamin B1, iron, and zinc. Oats are also a major source of fiber, specifically a type of fiber known as beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is believed to help lower your body’s cholesterol levels, as well as keep your blood sugar at manageable levels.

5. Flax Bread
Flax bread is a type of bread made using a combination of whole-grain flours as well as flax seeds. I guess most of these names are pretty on the nose, huh? Moving on, flax seeds are an incredibly nutritious addition to any meal plan, which means that, by extension, flax seed is probably one of the healthiest bread options you can choose from. For starters, flax seeds are an especially rich source of alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA, which is an omega-3 fatty acid that some studies suggest may reduce the risk of heart disease with regular intake.

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