Can Hormonal Acne be cured? - Dr. Rasya Dixit

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Doctors' Circle World's Largest Health Platform
As dermatologists we are seeing more and more patients with adult acne. Adult acne or hormonal acne is what is seen because of h ...
As dermatologists we are seeing more and more patients with adult acne. Adult acne or hormonal acne is what is seen because of hormonal changes or  hormonal changes like polycystic ovaries these  acne  are very resistant to treatment. The reason  is that the acne is  being  subjected  to   hormonal changes that is happening on a monthly basis. So hormonal acne  is  a  very difficult nut to crack,  yes it  can be cured, it can be cured, it  can be treated  but you need a close team of  dermatologist, an endocrinologist and a gynaecologist  working together  but the most important part  is the patient   because the lifestyle changes, the  exercise the diet  modification, stress  improvement  has  to be the focus  of the  treatment  because it is not enough to give  medicines for a limited period of time, the lifestyle changes has to be  maintained  for   long term otherwise  the problem acne recur.  So there is  a lot of commitment that the patient has  to make and the endocrinologist  in conjunction with the  gynaecologist can guide them   in  such a  way that hormonal acne  can be treated on  a long term  and in a  permanent  way.

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