Surpresa no ultrassom!! Gravidez 21 semanas.

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Dr. Silvio Omori
Dr. Silvio Omori
Surprise at the ultrasound!! Pregnancy 21 weeks. ************* The Omoris Method makes it possible to draw the c ...
Surprise at the ultrasound!! Pregnancy 21 weeks.


The Omoris Method makes it possible to draw the contour of the fetus in ultrasound images, allowing a better view of the mother's uterus.

With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Silvio Omori is a doctor specializing in gestational ultrasound.

Clínica Omoris is a Brazilian clinic specialized in ultrasound, under the direction of Dr. Silvio Omori and is located in Londrina, Paraná.

In addition to face-to-face service at our clinic, we offer teleservice by phone or video call in Brazil and abroad, assisting with second opinion videos of gestational ultrasound.

Among our specialties are:

* Transvaginal ultrasound
* First trimester morphological ultrasound
* Second trimester morphological ultrasound
* Obstetric ultrasound
* Obstetric color Doppler ultrasound
* 3D and 4D ultrasound

Our social networks:

Instagram: Instagram: dr.silvioomori
Facebook: Facebook: drsilvioomori
TikTok: TikTok: drsilvioomori

Clinic address:
Rua Senador Souza Naves 1044, room 1, ground floor
Londrina - PR
CEP - 86010-160

Dr. Silvio Takao Omori CRM-PR 8227

#pregnancy #pregnant woman #baby #ultrasound #drsilvioomori #meninooumenina #charevelação

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