How To Build a Goat Milking Stand EASY DIY!

79 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - Learn how to build a
Learn how to build a goat milking stand or stanchion in today's video!

We had just purchased our first dairy goat. K wanted to milk goats, and I wanted to drink goats milk. In just a few weeks our doe would Kid. K would spend each morning peacefully milking her new doe, and I would be enjoying farm fresh goat milk, a real treat for new homesteaders!


Actually, about 2 days into milking the dairy goat K stopped. It was impossible. We had not built a milk stand to secure the goat. K was milking off the ground, with the goats neck tied to a fence post. The goat moved and kicked the bucket constantly. K couldn't get a grip on her teats. No milk was collected. I never enjoyed the cup of farm fresh goat milk.


If you are planning on getting dairy goats you will want to have a milking stand ready for day one of milking!

Milking a goat is much easier when the goat is properly secured, and elevated off the ground. In todays video we demonstrate how to build a goat milking stand out of 2x4s and 1x8 inch pine boards.
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/01/21 منتشر شده است.
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