I make high power electric stove from a microwave transformer | Electronic ideas

Electronic ideas
Electronic ideas
2.8 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - Learn how to make a
Learn how to make a high-power electric stove from a recycled microwave transformer in this DIY project! By harnessing the magnetic energy in a microwave transformer, you can create a homemade 220v generator for free electricity. This video shows you how to repurpose an old microwave transformer into a free energy device that produces enough power to cook food. Step-by-step instructions take you through modifying the transformer and adding output connections to create a high-power electric stove. This amazing project demonstrates how to tap into magnetic energy to produce limitless free electricity. With some simple rewiring, a common microwave component can be converted into a generator that makes free power for your stove, tools, lights and more. Using a transformer, some wire and basic materials, you'll learn how to make an electric cooking device from scratch in no time!
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/03/11 منتشر شده است.
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