Star Wars the High Republic: The Hero's Journey (Ambient Reading Mix)

Gus Cadle
Gus Cadle
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It’s a time of peace and prosperity in the galaxy far, far away. The Republic is thriving and the Jedi Order is at its zenith, with individual Force wielders and their students exploring the galactic frontier and keeping the peace. But the time is not without its conflicts.

Music is so integral to the magic of Star Wars that its creator George Lucas has been quoted as saying "Star Wars films are basically silent movies", meaning that the music is so informative to drama and tone that one could actually watch a Star Wars film without dialog/sfx and still receive the information and emotions necessary to experience the story. Yet, some of the very best Star Wars stories have been told in books. I often found myself curious as to what John Williams' music would have sounded like for the Expanded Universe. Being myself a lover of both Star Wars and Williams' polyphonic and romantic approach to the Star Wars style of music, I found myself collecting all the Star Wars music I could get my hands on, until one day I decided to score the book according to the contents of its pages using the entire "expanded universe" of Star Wars music that spans the original Fox films, the newer Disney films, both old and new games across multiple platforms. What I've created is I think an ambient mix that tells the story of the expanded universe book listed above.

Forget what you know about the prequels, sequels, stand-alone films and video games. Put your headphones in and be transported to a world where the EU became the true continuation of the Star Wars legacy. Reread your favorites in a whole new light, or discover new favorites with that crucial element of music added to the experience.

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