What are SMART marketing objectives? WTF Marketing Jargon Busting 020

The Effective Marketing Company
The Effective Marketing Company
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What are SMART marketing objectives?

What are marketing objectives? WTF Marketing Jargon Busting 019

In this episode Martin Henley of The Effective Marketing Company answers the questions: What are SMART marketing objectives? Why are SMART marketing objectives important? Who needs SMART marketing objectives? What are the issues with SMART marketing objectives?? How do you create SMART marketing objectives? and when to create SMART marketing objectives??

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What are SMART marketing objectives?

Hello there, my name is martin henley, this is the what the series and in episode number 20 we're answering the important question what are SMART objectives in marketing?

What are we going to cover in this SMART marketing objectives definition?

In addressing the question - what are SMART objectives in marketing, there are five things we'll be sharing with you. We are of course gonna answer the question what are SMART objectives in marketing; we'll be answering the question why SMART objectives in marketing are important; who need SMART objectives in marketing; if there is an issue with SMART objectives in marketing; how you set SMART objectives in marketing and when you set SMART objectives in marketing.

Let's get this started Sonny.

Did we find a definition of SMART objectives?

As always when we come to explain this marketing jargon we are looking for a definition and we found this one right at the very top of google, at clearreview.com. They tell us “put very simply SMART objectives, or SMART goals are a form of objective setting which allows managers and employees to create, track and accomplish short and long-term goals. And very usefully, what they've done, is they've given us a graphic which shows us exactly what SMART stands for so SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

So that couldn't be more simple SMART is simply a mnemonic that helps you to qualify your objectives your marketing objectives so that you your team, and your management, all know exactly what it is that you are trying to achieve; and SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

Why are SMART objectives important?

Which brings us to the question why are SMART objectives important. Well, SMART objectives are important because I'm sure, like me, you have at some point in your life set yourself a goal or an objective which has failed miserably. Famously this happens every January. On the 31st of December we're all committed to make big changes to our lives and by 4 o'clock on the 1st of January it's all over. Anything that gives you a better chance of achieving your marketing objectives is going to be very valuable and this mnemonic, this SMART mnemonic, is all about qualifying your marketing objectives so when you set marketing objectives you give yourself the very, very, best chance of achieving those objectives.

Who needs SMART objectives?

So now you might be asking yourselves the question who needs SMART marketing objectives and do I need SMART marketing objectives? The answer is yes. If you are serious about achieving your goalS, and your objectives, in marketing you should give yourself every chance to make sure that the objectives that you've set the objectives, that you create, are likely to be achieved. So, my advice is, if you're investing your time, your energy, your money, in marketing, if it's your business or you're employed in marketing, or you're a marketing manager, then absolutely, make sure you set yourself, very specific, very measurable, very achievable, very realistic and timed marketing objectives.

Is there an issue with SMART marketing objectives?

So, is there an issue with SMART marketing objectives? well I hate to break it to you but there is an issue with SMART marketing objectives. The good news is this time it isn't an issue that I have, this is a universal issue with SMART marketing objectives.

What we have established is that SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely or time-bound. This is what I've told you. The issue is that, actually, SMART doesn't always stand for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time.

Occasionally what will happen is that people will replace the specific with stretching. It might be important that when you set yourself goals that they're not too easy to accomplish.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/12/11 منتشر شده است.
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