The Road to Jewish Civilization, Part 1: The Road of Abraham

11.8 هزار بار بازدید - 14 سال پیش - Israel, the Land of Milk
Israel, the Land of Milk and Honey, the birthplace of the Jewish People and the spiritual center of three religions, presents a unique combination of ancient history and a vibrant modern society, exotic scenery and rich culture.

This 12-episode documentary series, produced by CCTV - Chinese Central Television in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel in Beijing, introduces the Jewish People and the story of the State of Israel and its development in a historical, comprehensive and systematic manner to Chinese audiences.  

The series is narrated in Chinese with English subtitles

Episode 1: The Road of Abraham

Canaan was home to an ancient civilization in the Middle East. In the 19th century before Christ, Hebrews,  a clan living in the lower reaches of the Euphrates , entered Canaan led by their chieftain Abraham and settled down in this region, which they called "a place flowing with milk and honey." It was these people who created the Jewish civilization, a vital and robust civilization that was a major influence on the development of human civilization. Hebrews are today considered Israelis and Jews. What was the nation like? Moses, the prophet of the Jews, led hundreds of thousands of Hebrews out of enslavement by the Pharaohs in Egypt, and came to the Sinai Desert. What did they find here?
14 سال پیش در تاریخ 1389/10/22 منتشر شده است.
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