آموزش کیک خامه ای به شکل هندوانه | Yalda night cake with watermelon theme

Narges Banoo
Narges Banoo
764 بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Yalda Night Cake | Yalda
Yalda Night Cake | Yalda night cake with watermelon theme;

Today we are with you on Narges Banoo channel with the tutorial of making Yalda night cake, which of course means most of us decorating the cake in Yalda night style.
We taught the sponge cake in the previous videos and you can see the link on how to prepare the sponge cake below;

آموزش کیک تولد  How to cook a birthda...

In this video, two caramel sauces and chocolate sauce were also introduced, which you can buy through the following links from Amazon.

Caramel sauce | Caramel sauce (black)


Chocolate sauce | Chocolate Sauce (black)







3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/09/29 منتشر شده است.
764 بـار بازدید شده
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